Most common online scams

9 Super Easy Privacy Tips for Your Android Phone

I don’t know why I’m receiving fake calls and yesterday my account was debited with 70 dollars without my knowledge😟. I don’t know what to do. From this line, you can sense that this person’s privacy is leaked and he is helpless. But you don’t have to worry because I will give you super easy …

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Why online privacy is important

Why is Online Privacy Important in 2023?

You are living in a digital world where almost all things are done on the internet like shopping, interacting, Business promotion, Current location tracking, etc. But, one of the most important things we tend to ignore is Online privacy which is why almost all hackers attack every 39 seconds. So here is the online Privacy …

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Cyber Crimes and measures of prevention & protection

What is Cybercrime & 7 Easiest Ways to Prevent

Well heard of these words, right??
these are considered cybercrimes.
Starting from the kids to the teens,
from teens to the 60s,
every person in the world is well aware of the word “CYBER CRIME”,
Wondering what’s cybercrime?
Cybercrime involves thefts and other practices which involve stealing,
here a personal computer is used as an instrument for an illegal purpose.
In our video, you get to know more about cybercrime,
about fascinating words like hackers,
the prevention of cybercrime and protection against it.
Go ahead,
and grab some information,
that might avoid you being,